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| From concept to completion, Imagos is a Creative Agency |
We made this insanity.
Imagos has rocked faces for the likes of megaliths Nintendo and Sony to indie publishers like Devolver Digital, Playism and Adult Swim Games and regularly supports an array of individual indie game studios in their own face rocking endeavors.
With millions of aggregate views, hundreds of top-shelf press mentions, and a reputation for delivering some of the most watchable, outrageous and talked-about spots in recent memory, Imagos focuses on getting eyeballs glued to our clients’ amazing releases or promotions.
Need some gameplay cut together? Done. Need some narrative elements sewn in? DONE. Need a stop-motion, motion graphics, animated work or live action bonanza with music and sound design and explosions and screaming and explosions and guns and pop-zooms and maybe some blood and EXPLOSIONS? DONE.
We also do live event coverage, behind the scenes documentary work and more traditional promo media that some people call “commercials”, but those people are jerks.
Let’s make art together.
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Rival Peak - Official Reveal Trailer (Survivor + Social Media Game)

Super Motherload - Live Action Trailer

Legend of Party - Legend of Dungeon Trailer